Enable voting on a module

You can enable voting on any module within your event space.

To do this:

  1. Go to the module where you want to enable voting and click the “Settings” menu on the sidebar to the left.
  2. Select the “Voting & Polling” option from the list which appears on the left.
  3. Check the box which reads “Enable Voting”.
  4. Type a title for your vote in the field marked “Voting Title” if you want to name the vote. If you leave this blank the default title will be “Voting”.
  5. You can leave a message about why you are holding the vote under the field “Feedback Introduction”. This will be displayed once guests enter the voting area.
  6. You can inform your guests when the vote is live by ticking the “Show Voting Message” box.
  7. You can customise the message that your guests will see to inform them that they can vote in the field marked “Voting Alert Message” (e.g. “Vote on this issue”).
  8. Click “Save and Exit”
  9. Your voting area will be displayed in the top right-hand corner of the main window once active.